Week In The Life: Sunday

Well, here we are, the last day of a whole week of pictures. I felt aimless and uninspired today. Anyone else feel that way? The days are melting together. I did wake up early because I realized it was Sunday. (The song in my head when I woke up was Am I The Same Girl. Mostly oldies all week! So weird.) Here's the rundown of today. Sorry if it's a boring read but I don't feel like writing. 

This morning, I took my coffee outside but it was windy and chilly so I didn't stay long. Jenny, Felix, and I had breakfast together and we saw the fox outside again. Neither of us got a good photo. I watched church on Facebook. I chose a book from Chris's bookshelf and started listening to the songs and reading. Then I took a short Sunday afternoon nap. Sunday afternoon naps aren't the same when I'm not tired from working at church all morning. Jenny made some yummy enchiladas for supper. Then Chris and Jenny wanted to do some shopping, so I watched Felix. We had a family zoom. I sat outside in the cold breeze after that and watched the turkey vultures circle above. Thought about things and stuff. I've had lots of quiet time today. I'm sure there will be more in the coming days. 


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