Meet Me In The Middle Of The Sky

Back in May, I started dreaming about golden geometric patterns and shapes. Sometimes they would be swirling against the vast darkness of space. It was like looking into a giant kaleidoscope and very beautiful.

After scanning through my dream journal, I found that I've dreamed about circles six times since then. This dream page is from a dream I had on June 23rd. There were two halves of a circle, one white and the other black. The two halves were slowly coming together to meet. Each half had part of a song attached to it and when the two halves came together, the song was whole. Do I remember the song? No, but I wish I did!

On June 28th, there was a continuation of that dream. The black and white circle had become whole and it was very large. Much bigger than me. I was standing there, in the darkness of space, facing the circle. I was creating a list and checking things off on the black side. On July 29th, I was staying at my dad's house and I dreamed of the circle again. This time, the lyrics, "meet me halfway across the sky" from this song woke me up in the middle of the night. On August 21st, it was the lyrics, "will you meet me in the middle, will you meet me in the air" from this song. Are you sensing a theme here? Who do I want to meet me halfway in the middle in the air in THE SKY? 

There have been other dreams involving circles. One where I was turning a giant radio knob, trying to tune in voices over the static. Another where I was in the center of a large circle, placing something around it in exact spacing. And last night, I dreamed I was holding a perfect circular bouquet of purple flowers...which comes from another reoccuring dream. I might tell you that one some day haha. 


  1. Okay that is cool and I did not know the song was an America song. ( I have that album somewhere) :)


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