Little T-shirt Quilt

Gary and I went downtown last night to see the movie "Inside Out." (It was very cute and I CRIED!) We were a little early for the show, so we walked around for a bit. Gary remembered spending time downtown with his Grandma and Aunt when he was a boy. It seems they walked everywhere and he remembers getting cinnamon rolls at Miller and Paine with Grandma or sometimes he would visit the bookstore with his Aunt. The more we walked, the more he remembered. It would have been fun to go inside some of those places but we had to get to the show. Maybe another day! 

I had the whole day off today, so I finished up the little t-shirt sleeve quilt. 

For the back, I sewed together some leftover polar fleece strips I had from other t-shirt quilts. I had just enough!!

 I used the envelope method to finish the quilt. There's no batting and I quilted it with simple straight lines. 

This quilt measures 41" x 43"
I'm feeling pretty good about using up so many leftovers, the sleeves from 15 t-shirts, leftover interfacing and polar fleece! I have a cute little girl in mind to give this quilt to, I hope she will enjoy it!


  1. Hi Jen! Doesn't it feel good to go into the city every now and then! I'll have to see that movie...and your quilt is such a novel idea!!! I can only imagine how cuddly soft it ended up being!!!

  2. Jen that turned out so great!!! Love the pics too!


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